AuthenticateMe Premium

Give your server more features and protection.

Plan Comparison

Choose the option that makes the most sense for your server.

$0 / per month
$5.99 / per month
Ad-Free verification
Automatically kick users that don't complete verification
Verification modes 3 3
Block alternative accounts
Block browser tampering
Block a country from being able to verify
Block disposible emails
Block incognito mode
Block privacy focused settings
Block virtual machines
Block VPNs, Proxies, Tor Nodes, Relays & more
Restrict users from verifying based on account age

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We recommend the premium plan for servers that have moderate to high traffic ingoing daily.

The free plan works adequately for small - mid sized communities.

No additional charges will be imposed if you decide to cancel your subscription.

You will retain your current plan until the end of your billing cycle.

Your new plan's charges (if any) and benefits will take effect at the start of the next billing cycle automatically.

You will obtain priority ticket support over other tickets as a Premium user with our trained and experienced staff members to assist you.